How To Keep A Positive Attitude During Difficult Times
Extracted from the internet

It is easy to be positive when times are good. However, when it seems that everything in life is not going well and you run into difficult times and situations, keeping a positive attitude is tough. The best way to keep a positive attitude during difficult times is to understand that tough times do not last forever. It is easier said than done, but here are a few steps you can take to stay positive even when everything else seems to be negative.

Step 1

The old saying that "misery loves company" can sometimes be true. However, when you get into bad situations and tough times, avoid being around negative people or miserable people who can only end up making you feel worse.

Step 2

Use mind over matter. This means that although things may look bad, look inside yourself and channel your thoughts to focus on positive images, visions and positive mental self talk. Instead of focusing on the problem or difficulty, tell yourself that there is a solution that will overcome the problem and that solution is within you. Visualise and see yourself doing what needs to be done to stay positive. Using yoga or meditation usually helps.

Step 3

Make up a "feel good" list. This list is a personal listing of everything in your life that actually makes you feel good. For example, a walk in the park on a sunny day, smiles on your children's faces, the time you graduated from school, the promotion you received, or mom's home cooking. Look through the feel good list and do something on the list that brings a smile to your face and a positive thought to your mind.
Step 4

Say powerful affirmations to keep your self-esteem built up. Many a times, it is easy to get into negative self talk and feelings when everything is going wrong in our lives. This can cause damage to our self esteem. Look in the mirror and tell yourself "Although this is a tough time, I am a survivor, I am strong, I will get through this, I will get past this situation in my life."

Step 5

What we listen to and hear every day can affect our attitude. To keep a positive attitude, listen to upbeat music or music that is calming, like jazz or classical music. Or listen to music with positive messages and words. Take time to listen to a motivational speaker or read a book with a motivational theme message. Watch movies based on true stories that show the main character overcoming difficult times and situations.

Step 6

When you look good, you feel good. Get a makeover or put on your best outfit and do something fun and exciting. You'll be surprised how a spruce up in your wardrobe and appearance can generate a positive attitude.

Things you will need: "Feel Good" list Positive quotes and affirmations Meditation

  • It is always good to be around uplifting family and friends for support.
  • If you do not have family and friends around, join support groups in order to keep a positive attitude.
  • Use spiritual guidance or look to a higher power or your religion for guidance in helping to keep a positive outlook.
  • Understand that every one has some sad times. Do not feel bad if you cannot be positive at all times.

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