World oil prices in the Middle East have soared due to political developments which have impact on everyone. As individuals, we can do our part to conserve energy (fuel) by being fuel-smart motorists. Listed below are some common tips and advice that we as motorists can put into practice:

Common Motoring Tips and
Advice to Save Fuel
  1. Slow down, maintain at constant speed and avoid driving at extremely high speeds
  2. Check your tyre pressure – at least once a month, in cool condition
  3. Accelerate moderately. Think ahead when approaching hills. If you accelerate, do it before you reach the hill, not while you’re on it
  4. When going downhill, ease your throttle down and work with gravity to build up speed
  5. Don’t brake hard
  6. Set air conditioner to auto if available
  7. Turn off air conditioner in early morning and night if weather is cool
  8. Keep windows closed at high speed (of course with air-con on)
  9. Park at shaded car park if possible to save air-con use
  10. Keep the original model, don’t upgrade your car with fancy rim or tyre
  11. Reduce your car weight by not carrying unnecessary baggage
  12. Service vehicle regularly
  13. Inspect suspension and chassis parts for occasional misalignment
  14. Warming up engine is not necessary and avoid long idles; turn engine off if idling more than 1 minute
  15. Manual shift driven cars allow you to change to highest gear as soon as possible, thereby letting you save fuel
  16. Avoid rough roads whenever possible, a dirt or gravel road robs you of up to 30% of your fuel mileage
  17. Use alternate roads when safer, shorter, and straighter
  18. Place gear into neutral position when waiting at traffic light
  19. Do whatever possible on-line, by phone etc such as banking, document delivery, shopping
  20. Sometimes it is worth to pay the toll than travelling long distance on toll-free roads
  21. Look further to anticipate obstacle – don’t tailgate
  22. No unnecessary external accessories
  23. Monitor your odometer or trip meter
  24. Plan ahead by combining your errands into one trip
  25. Plan your trips so you go out during less congested times of the day
  26. Use cruise control only on flat road
  27. Buy fuel during coolest time of day – early morning or late evening is the best
  28. Never fill gas tank past the first “click” of fuel nozzle, if nozzle is automatic
  29. When filling up, do not squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to the fastest mode
To Consider
  1. Do not drive. Take public transport, car-pool (but watch who you car-pool with) or cycle if it’s feasible
  2. Use credit card with fuel rebate and royalty card to redeem fuel
  3. Use NGV
  4. Downsize – use a smaller car like CLK - Cute Little Kancil
  5. Move nearer to your work place
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